If You're Curious...

Why I do what I do
I love giving someone or something the gift of seeing their vision come to life. Someone could come up to me and say "Look. I have this idea, but I can't execute it. Can you help?" and that is the highest honor someone can give to a designer, I think. To put your vision into someone else's hands, and trust they do your time, money, and dream justice is remarkable. I love giving people that gift, more times than not it doesn't come easy. But that's just apart of the creative process. 
How I Got Started
When I was 15 I started figuring the design world out. I took a graphic design class in sophomore year of high school, which is where I found my love for digital art. I loved drawing and painting, but that class opened me up to a whole new world. This lead me to freelance and then eventually landing me studying design in college. 

I graduated from San Diego City College in 2024. I took their portfolio program and I will tell you right now that course is not for the weak. I find there is a stigma behind 2 year colleges, but in my experience its your professors that truly determine what you are going to be getting out of a university. Ive had friends that went off to four year colleges doing design and their professors would say "Look it up" when they had a question. My experience was far from that, I'm talking light years away. My professors at city were incredibly attentive to all of their students and their work. They weren't afraid to push us to be our best while maintaining a safe environment for us. 

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